Descendants of Joseph Goglio

The First Generation - Born in the USA

Giuseppe Goglio               1881 - 1957          Married: 1902
Giovanna Seren Bernadone 1882 - 1960



Family Portrait, July 1948

   Front row: Richard, Giovonna, Giuseppe, and Pearl

Back row:  Columbus, Mario, Yolanda, Alexander, Ramon, Amelia, Marina, Edward


Extended family portrait July 1948


Back row: Fred Aiello, Valeria Garay, Neva (Henry), Millie (DeBernadi), Pearl, Margaret (Columbus), Steve Fondrk, Art Carney, Marie (Tira).

Middle row:Richard, Giuseppe, Edward, Molly, Yolanda, Ramon, Giovanna.

Front Row:Arlene Aiello, Alfred Aiello, Dick Shultz holding Valrae Goglio.



Picture taken in 1934 of the children still living at home.



From left to right, Marie (Tira) Goglio, Molly (Goglio) Aiello, Alex Goglio (sitting down), Marina (Goglio) Fondrk holding Jim Goglio, Dolly Goglio partially hidden, Pearl (Goglio) Lishman, and Richard Goglio.